Saturday, January 28, 2012

#21 Week 3- The Lottery by Shirley Jackson pg.136-141

           The story starts with a small town on a special day. The day is the lottery, where everyone in town lines up and draws a paper. The town is small, only about three hundred people, so the narrator states that the lottery doesn't take long, only one day. Children play with pebbles, and then the mayor calls everyone to get in the line. One woman, Tessie Hutchinson, is late, but is still greeted warmly. Then the townsfolk start talking about other towns who have stopped doing the lottery, which Old Man Warner comments on negatively. The scene is also set; a town that sticks strongly to traditions and doesn't deviate from them/change. The drawing commences and Mrs.Hutchinson gets the slip of paper with the black dot. The people of  the town begin stoning her to death, where even the smallest child is given pebbles to throw.

         At first, I thought that the lottery was going to be a good thing, I mean, when I think of lottery, I think of winning money. As the story progresses, I, as the reader, began sensing that something was amiss. My suspicions were confirmed when the friend of Mrs. Hutchinson's daughter proclaims that she hopes her (the daughter) won't be chosen. Then they start throwing stones, and I start thinking how barbaric the people in this story are. I did not like the ending, and the story was just weird.

1 comment:

  1. Good, thank you Kailey! This is a story where winning the lottery is not a good thing and everyone does not want to win!
